• 459 reviews
Cookie AutoDelete
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Cookie AutoDelete
Cookie AutoDelete
Cookie AutoDelete
Cookie AutoDelete
Cookie AutoDelete

Efficiently Manage Your Site Data with this Chrome Extension

Experience a hassle-free browsing experience with the help of this powerful Chrome extension. With a total rating of 4.53 and rave reviews from satisfied users, this extension is designed to simplify your online activities by auto-deleting site data, providing whitelist/greylist support, and offering export/import functionalities.

Auto Deletes Site Data from Closed Tabs

Say goodbye to cluttered site data from closed tabs with the automatic deletion feature. This convenient functionality ensures that your browsing history remains clean and optimized, improving your overall browsing performance.

WhiteList/GreyList Support

Easily manage your preferred sites by adding them to the whitelist or greylist. The whitelist allows you to permanently keep site data, while the greylist will retain the data until you restart your browser. This flexibility gives you full control over which sites you want to keep data for, ensuring a personalized browsing experience.

Export/Import Whitelist/Greylist

Seamlessly transfer your whitelist or greylist settings across different devices or browsers. The export/import functionality allows you to quickly replicate your preferred site data settings, saving you time and effort in manually configuring each device or browser.

Clear Site Data for a Domain

Effortlessly clear site data for a specific domain with just a few clicks. This feature helps you maintain a clean browsing environment, ensuring your privacy and security while navigating the web.

Manual Mode Cleaning

Take full control of your site data cleaning with the manual mode cleaning option. Whether you prefer to clean data from the popup or adjust the settings according to your preference, this extension allows you to customize your cleaning approach for a tailored browsing experience.


To make the most out of this extension, follow these simple steps:

  1. Add the sites you want to keep site data in the WhiteList or GreyList.
  2. Toggle the "Auto-clean" feature in the popup or settings to enable automatic cleaning.
  3. Sit back and watch as unused site data is effortlessly removed, enhancing your browsing performance.

Note that you can disable cleanup notifications via the settings for a seamless browsing experience.

Keep in mind that site data refers to cookies, IndexedDB, local storage, and more. The extension's ability to clear these data types may vary depending on the browser and extension implementation. For example, cache and cache storage are not the same, and while the extension can clean cache, cache storage cleanup is not yet implemented.

If you encounter any issues or need support, feel free to create an issue or seek help through the extension's GitHub repository. The dedicated team behind this extension is always ready to assist you and find solutions to improve your browsing experience.

Download this powerful Chrome extension today and take control of your site data for a smoother and more secure browsing experience.

Auto Deletes Site Data from Closed Tabs

Easily Export/Import Whitelist/Greylist

Clear Site Data for a Domain

Does not clean data automatically until "Auto-clean" is enabled

Support may not be available for all browsers

459 reviews
10 Reviews For This Extension
Lloydmat Lloyd

hate chrome its a necessary evil like micsoft


Won't clear any site data of any website was hosted in an iframe. It will only clear the site data of the parent site that loads the iframe.


It works pretty good for deleting cookies when you close a tab; that is, the ones that aren't whitelisted. That's mainly what I installed it for. It looks like it probably does a lot of other things but the instructions aren't very clear to someone without an IT background such as myself.

Jez Phipps

Good idea but it seems it doesn't remove cookies thoroughly enough. For example, if I... (1) Perform a manual "Clean All for this domain" on https://www.bikeradar.com and then... (2) Restart Chrome and go to chrome://settings/content/all?searchSubpage=bikeradar ...the cookies (doubleclick.net etc.) are still there. I'd certainly appreciate any advice on this.

Dan Donahue


Mike Shipway

The idea is brilliant but the practicality isn't. What we need is to keep the login cookies but autodelete the tracking and snooping ones. It's great to have the ability to whitelist and greylist certain ones, but without a database of which cookies-do-what mere humans don't know which cookies do what. E.g. my biggest concerns are the likes of Google, Facebook, Amazon, MS etc. Which of all the cookies they use to spy on you with are the ones we can set to autodelete? Can we delete them after we've loaded their tab in a new session or must we wait until the end of that session? We need a simple way to prevent these greedy megacompanies from spying on us. I don't want to keep having to sign in every time I go to a site Keep my login details, nothing else.

J. S. (darkocean)

Modern (read:bad - as in new programmers repeating mistakes from the past) browsers kind of stink #1 one annoyance being that they have the settings now allow cookies except in incognito. What use is that!? I just sent a half hour deleting 999 some cookies! I usually have it set so that no third part cookies are allowed and didn't notice the browser updated, with this stupid change !@#$ I'm like sick of cookes, having to delete them one by one so I don't get logged out of the sites I want to stay logged into. What the heck with browsers settings being set up as all or nothing? It's so stupid! If this does what it says it will then thank you kindly, and please keep updating the extension. (Remember to ask for donations!) It works great! I went in checked the cookes list in my browser and it deleted almost all the ones I set it to, and left the others alone, great job! I've tried a few of these extensions in the past (explaining why I deleting cookies one by one) and they'd usually bug hard and end up deleting all the cookies and sometimes close tabs or crash the browser. So it's nice that yours doesn't do that.

Vanessa V

Simple and easy to use interface. Don't need anything complex like other cookie extensions. Used to use a different cookie manager that is no longer supported and this is the best I've tried.



Robert Cochrane

Delivers as advertised; breath of fresh air

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